Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Health Issues

Do these 5 changes in lifestyle for better mental health

Do these 5 changes in lifestyle for better mental health

Do these 5 changes in lifestyle for better mental health

Adopting good lifestyle habits can make you feel better mentally. According to studies and experts, foods that are rich in nutrients play an important role in maintaining your health. There are small changes through which you can improve your mental health. Apart from this, serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, depression, anxiety etc. can be avoided in future.

A 2019 study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that reducing alcohol intake can improve mental health in women. Researchers at the School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong studied more than 40,000 people from the United States and Hong Kong. Those who had never consumed alcohol had the highest levels of mental health, while the study found improvement in mental health of women who quit drinking.

If you don’t want to give up alcohol altogether, a small change like limiting its intake can actually be beneficial to your mental health. Apart from this, there are many small changes here, which can help you in improving mental health.

  1. Spend time in the park or among the trees
    Many researchers have noted the health benefits associated with spending time in nature. According to one study, spending just two hours a week amidst nature can give a good impression on your mental health. Daily contact with nature can help reduce feelings of stress.
  2. Schedule time for social media and smart phones. Living without a smartphone is starting to seem impossible. But email and social media notifications are not only distracting, but they are also increasing your stress levels. Research has found that frequent social media use contributes to poor mental health, especially among young adults. You do not need to give up technology or social media altogether. But for this a time needs to be set.
  3. 7 to 9 hours of sleep is necessary . Scientists believe that lack of sleep can affect all brain functions. This can affect attention and your ability to think clearly. It can also affect your mood and behavior. Getting enough sleep is important for good mental health. It is necessary to sleep for about seven to nine hours every night to get a good sleep.
  4. Control your stress with meditation  Stress can cause inflammation, which can lead to health issues such as depression, anxiety and hormone imbalance. One way to deal with stress is to meditate and cultivate the mind. Practicing it regularly and consistently can help to increase learning and memory. Meditation can manage your concentration, mood and anxiety.
  5. Avoid limiting catering Scientists believe, do not limit yourself to issues related to catering. Eat everything but eat less. Keep your diet healthy. Have breakfast daily, which includes nuts, fruits and other nutritious things.