Friday, February 21, 2025
Learn about the 5 diseases that occur in the rain, these are the measures to avoid
Health Issues

Learn about the 5 diseases that occur in the rain season, and how to avoid them


Learn about the 5 diseases that occur in the rain, these are the measures to avoid

The rainy season is a season of inviting diseases, because the rains in this season spread mosquito and bacteria diseases caused by water logging, mud and dirt in many places. Apart from this, bacteria grow more due to moisture in the weather, which contaminate water and foods, cause diseases of the body.

Know 5 main diseases spred in rainy season:

1. Malaria – Malaria is a common but serious infectious disease spread in rainy season, which is caused by mosquito bites. The disease is spread by the bite of the female anaphylase mosquito. To avoid this, do not allow water to accumulate around you.

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2. Dengue – Dengue fever is also spread by mosquito bites, but take special care of mosquitoes that spread dengue in clean water. This disease, spread by the bite of Aedes mosquito, results in severe pain in the patient’s entire body and joints. To avoid this, avoid mosquitoes and keep the body completely covered before leaving the house.

3. Diarrhea – Diarrhea is the most common problem during the rainy season, which is caused by bacterial infection. Diarrhea along with abdominal cramps are prominent in this. This is especially due to the intake of polluted water and food items during the rainy season, so keep the food items covered, boil and sieve the water and drink it, and take something only after washing hands.

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4. Cholera – This disease spread due to bacteria called Vibrio cholerae is due to contaminated food and beverages. Frequent vomiting and diarrhea with abdominal cramps are the main symptoms of this disease, due to which there is lack of water in the body and lack of minerals and the patient becomes very weak. To avoid this, take special care of food hygiene.

5. Chikungunya – Chikungunya is also a fever spread by mosquitoes, whose infection also occurs on the joints of the patient’s body and causes severe pain in the joints. To avoid this, avoid water logging, so that mosquitoes that breed in it do not spread the disease.