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RevealIf you could not balance on one leg for 10 seconds, then the possibility of death become doubled
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Health Issues“Optimizing Sleep: Minimizing Smartphone Impact for Restful Nights”Fitness Guru6 years agoSeptember 19, 202323It sounds like you're concerned about the potential health risks associated with keeping a smartphone near your head while sleeping...
Meditation“The Power of Meditation: Cultivating Inner Peace and Well-Being in a New Hectic World”Fitness Guru6 years agoSeptember 26, 202332Meditation: Cultivating Inner Peace and Well-Being in a Hectic World In the fast-paced, demanding world we live in, finding moments...
YogaHow to do Adho Mukha Svanasana its benefits and precautionsFitness Guru6 years agoAugust 29, 2023125Adho Mukha Svanasana Traditionally, this asana is believed to activate a number of the chakras, including the Manipura and ajna...